Saturday, July 3, 2010


An idea descended upon me last night when I was lying on my bed, eyes half closing and was about to fall asleep. It suddenly came to me in a flash.

I have this superb urge to start a story based on this idea. But when I think about it, I still have 4 novels on hand, unfinished!! (><)

Okay, now you might be thinking "Stop the blabbering. So what the hell was on your mind?!!!"

Well, it's simple --- the victim falls in love with the perpetrator. To be more specific, what if a girl is to be stalked by a disturbed man, haunting her in every imaginable creepy way, but in the end, she falls in love with the man who loves her more than anything else, the man who is none other than the stalker himself??

I've always have a thing for forbidden love or twisted love. The more twisted it is, the better. Something like the relationship between the Phantom and Christine in the Phantom of the Opera film (the relationship is a little different in the novel); or something like "you fall in love with a beautiful, perfect Prince Charming, and even though he's twisted/bitter/psycho and you're afraid of him, you still couldn't help but love him". Perhaps such fetish is a reflection of the part of me (unbeknownst to others) that is so very much in love with Gothic arts --- architecture, arts, novels, poems, songs, fashion, etc.

Gerard Butler as the Phantom; Emmy Rossum as Christine Daae

I couldn't recall any stalker-related stories that ends with the stalked victim falling in love with the stalker. Well, not that I know. I'll admit that I don't really read much.

That night, when the idea came to me, I was happy but at the same time, frustrated. I'm not a good writer and I always have the habit to not finish what I've started. But new ideas just wouldn't stop coming to me!! Every now and then I'll get this new idea, and when I was about to start doing something about it, I often found myself losing the desire to complete it. I really want to finish an idea for once!! I've decided to at least finish my favourite work out of the 4 novels that I'm working on --- Blood Moon. I really like the story.

The other three novels...well, I wanted to finish them, too, but I know I couldn't. I wouldn't have the time. I know I'm being too greedy to work on so many stories all at once. I've been thinking of abandoning one of the two Chinese stories in the four because the more I think about it, the more I'm dissatisfied with the plot and the characters development.

The other Chinese story, though, I really love the plot, too, just that I NEVER read story books in Chinese, so I don't have many words in my vocab vault (and I've already forgotten most of the Chinese vocabs I learned during high school). Therefore, I'm thinking of converting it into a manga, since 1) I've always wanted to start my own manga; 2) the story fits for a manga; 3) I've designed the characters and their weapons and clothes and all that, so...why not?

Anyhow, that's all for this post. I really just wanted to tell somebody about this crazy, sick, twisted idea of a romance. (Well, who in the right mind would fall in love with a psychotic man who's been stalking you?) Ciao~

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