Friday, June 5, 2009

Latest work

I'm too lazy to update the photobucket slideshow XP

So, instead of going through so much trouble in posting the photos=> update the slideshow=> copy the code=> repost the slideshow, I'll just post my latest work of art here. If you're interested to view my other works, you could always visit my page at deviantART and MangaBullet.

chuiqi99 (deviantART):

This is the sketch I promised to give to my friend, but it's still not done. Still pondering whether to draw a garden background or a colour-splash one or one with shadings XDD
Ahhh~ I call this sketch The Black Couple XD
When I was drawing this, I kind of imagine the couple to be the top assassins in an underground organisation.
*Ahem* I tend to do that for every sketch...teehee~
Boys Before Flowers!!! My current favourite Korean drama XDD
I absolutely love the boys in the series. Much better than the taiwanese and japanese versions. My personal favourite would be Yoon Ji-Hoo (the one on the farthest right), in both real-life drama and the drawing because a) he's the cutest and most handsome in the group b) he's the easiest to draw and c) he's the only one that turned out looking good in the drawing T.T

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