Saturday, June 6, 2009

Drawing Day 2009

I was "wandering" around deviantART last night (late at night. Again XD) and came across a certain journal entry that almost made me gone crazy. I did not even know there is such an event as the Drawing Day! I found out about it around 3 hours before midnight. I literally tossed away everything on hand (including that 4 cm thick Stat textbook XD), grabbed my most trusted mechanical pencil and eraser, and start sketching on a piece of A4 paper. It was such a short notice. So, I decided to draw something simple and easy but impactive.

I called it "Red Tears". Her eyes and tear are red. But it can't be seen here as my lousy scanner did some colour adjustments to it OTL >.<
Her eyes have a less obvious red than they originally are and the drop of tear on her cheek Damn it! Baka scanner~
It is simple so it only took me 2 hours to finish it (including inking and shading).
I don't know about other people, but she sort of reminds me of Hiou Shizuka from VK. Maybe it's because of her hair and kimono (and that sad look on her face)? Hehe... I didn't intend to make the girl look like her but she just accidentally turned out this way. *shrugs*

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