Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Craziness & Laziness

Okay, so today was the first time EVER I had classes 4 and a half hours straight without rest. I was practically running from one class to another >< Now, I finally know how my friend (you know who are you XD) feels every wednesday. Her schedule is even worse. Six hours straight!! Crazy man~

So after the 4 1/2 hours class-rushing craziness, I was FREE~!!! While my friend was still suffering in the science lab (ha-ha). I was planning to watch "the Ring" with her in the library but...*sigh* Plan cancelled. I was in the mood to scare the hell out myself with that "thing" crawling out of the TV. Lol. I'm telling you, there is something wrong with me. I actually like being spooked. My Mom said I'm weird (may be even mental XD).

That friend of mine gave me a ride home (well, her mom gave me a ride home). We detoured to the night market near my place. I saw a really cute black dress with ruffles and ribbons (my favourites) on it! I was planning to buy it, actually. BUT when I heard the phrase "60 ringgit", I was totally dejected! Argghh~ I finally found a nice Lolita-ish black dress and I can't even buy it???!! Why??? Why??? Felt so cheated...I was so close to my dream dress and yet I can't have it?

It was almost exactly like this one...but without the belt. (I was surprised I could actually find the design on Google image)

After being back at home, I was starting to have that "angel v devil" moment. Initially, I wanted to start the damn ETW assignment tonight but after going to the night market and having fun with my friend and her family (plus salivating and drooling over the dress *sigh*), I wanted to lazy around again. A part of me said, "You have to start doing it. It's due next wednesday." And then another part of me was saying, "Who cares? Doesn't hurt to fool around first and start it later. May be you should continue the novel first." Hah!! Nonetheless, the devil took over and smashed the angel down on its face, walking all over it. So much for "evil can never win against good". I could pictured the little red devil dancing around on a side of my shoulder with its pitchfork and the poor angel orz-ing on the other side. Lolx. That's the side effect of watching (and reading) too much anime and manga. Always picturing things in a comical way.
At the end of the day...I still want that dress!!!

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