Title: Saitou Hajime (Shinsengumi)
I've just finished a late Edo period anime called "Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan". Saitou Hajime is one of my favourites in the anime. He's my No.3, though. My No.1 favourite would be Okita Souji, and No.2 is Kazama Chikage. But why do I chose him to draw instead of the other two? It's largely due to his hair. He is the only one with long hair among the three. With his long hair, it would look so much more dramatic when he swings his katana, like what he's doing in the drawing. XDD I know. It's a ridiculous reason. LOL
No matter how much I wanna deny it, I suck at drawing action scenes. ><
Title: Four Crown Princes of Hell
They don't exactly look like devils, do they? LOL Well, the title is only an excuse for me to draw some bishounens, really. XDD
Read about them on some random Satanism websites. My favourite (I hope I'm not being offensive here) would be Lucifer, because he's the devil that appears the most times in the manga/anime world. Please keep in mind I'm not saying that (in real life) I like the Satan or something. No. There's nothing religion-related in that statement.
Anyway, the one sitting on the armchair is Satan; and then from left to right, Belial (b-lee-YAH-ahl), Leviathan (le-vai-athan) and Lucifer. The most difficult part to draw is the CHAIR!!! I was using a picture of a 19th century throne-like royal ornate armchair as the model, and the carvings on the chair are absolutely stunning!! And annoying at the same time XD This is my first try on furnitures. Let's just hope I have the will to draw another one again....LOL
These two are only the line arts. I'll be adding shadings soon. Don't intend to colour them, though. I want them to be in black-and-white.
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