Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A surprising surprise

I remember I had a post back in October about a guy that I know since kindergarten and that I believe that I'll see him again someday. Well, that "again" was two days ago, January 4th. I really wanted to post about it on that day but I was too busy with settling the things for studying abroad.

What happened was Chin Yee and I went for lunch at Sushi Zanmai after watching Avatar. We had been there for almost an hour and a half and I only realised that HE was working there when we were about to leave. I was all shocked and my mind went blank. In my head, there were only OMGs. I was too nervous to even look him in the eyes!! He was the cashier and Chin Yee was paying, and me??? I just stood in front of him but turned side way facing Chin Yee instead. I couldn't even breathe at that moment!

It's been such a long time since the last time I had this kind of feeling and that it was so intense that I did stupid, clumsy things...Arghh~ I hate myself!

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