My beloved Billabong red+black wallet and mp3 player are gone!!! Gone~! Some stupid low-life asshole decided to steal for the RM70 in the wallet and the 3-year-old, less than RM300 mp3 player. Go to hell!
Everything that was being touched by the low-life, I decided to throw them away. Well, except for my homework+notes+bag.
We decided not to report to the police since they won't even bother to petrol around the area and it's ONLY my wallet and mp3 player. Everything else is just at where they are suppose to be. And who knows, they might just be part of the party (coffee money, if you know what I mean, my dear Malaysians.)
Luckily, my IC and phone are still here with me. If they're gone too, I'll probably find some black magic spells to curse him/her/them to die a torturous, painful and slow death. (What else can I do? I don't even know how the low-life looks like.)
Even so, my Red Box and Comic Paradise member cards are gone!! And my favourite mp3 player that I can't live without!! This is enough to make me snap. I really wish that low-life would have Li-Fraumeni syndrome --- die of eight deadlious cancers and die before 40. Hmpph~! I don't care if I sound unreasonable and harsh. Even if that LOW-LIFE has some problems that make him desperate enough to break into my house JUST for RM70, I won't forgive him/her/them or whatever, EVER!! Having issues like financial difficulties, unemployment, or need for drugs to curb/slake its thirst does not make it right to steal.
Die, you filthy low-life jackass! Die now!! Shi ne~!!!! しね。
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