Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Going public

Okay, so recently I have decided to let the people from all over the internet to read my writings. Well, you know, my poems and stories. I've published them on

I don't know what I was thinking! Do you know how nerve-wracking it is every time I check on my stories' traffic stats?? If it's low, I'll feel down. If it's high, I'll feel anxious about what the readers think of my stories. Boring? Bad? Entertaining? Or worse, a Twilight material. It's even more so when I get quite an amount of hits on my stories but I get NO RESPONSE or comments from the readers! Does this mean they got bored with my stories and moved on to other writers?

Gah! I wish I could know what the readers are thinking.

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This blog by Nicole Chong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.